Hey! I'm Jena--a lifelong Wisconsinite and professional fangirl. In grade school, my parent-teacher conference criticisms usually revolved around my chattiness; but jokes on them, because now I get to yap every day as my profession. When I'm not talking your ear off, you'll probably find me in the pit at on of our local Madison music venues, jamming along to anything from bubblegum pop to metalcore to EDM. You also might occasionally see me in the photo pit, snapping pics and taking notes for concert reviews and photo galleries on my blog here.

I drink coffee like it's water, I work out to stay sane, and I'm always trying to help keep you in the loop of everything going on in our growing city.

Listen with me on Z104 from 6-11p every weekday and 3-7 on Saturdays! Plus, catch my podcast, Say It Out Loud, on iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts!