Krista Hatcher

Krista Hatcher

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Women Are Calling Out The "Gross" Guys!

Some of us are more meticulous about our personal hygiene than others, but there are some things we assume everyone else is doing because they’re basic, essential everyday practices. But Reddit is proving just how wrong that assumption is in a new thread in the Ask Women section. It asks, “What shocking hygiene habits in men have you encountered?”

Hundreds of women are revealing the surprising, mostly disgusting things they’ve seen men do … or not do and these are some of the worst.

  • "Had a one-night stand with a dude who didn’t wipe his butt properly and left poop stains on the edge of the bed. Luckily my hotel room had a spare duvet cover but god, that experience put me off one-night stands altogether."
  • "Not washing their hands after they go to the bathroom because they don’t think they’re 'dirty'. I have heard that exact justification dozens of times."
  • "Guy I dated said that washing hands was 'emasculating.'"
  • "My ex didn’t even have hand soap in his bathroom, so I know he wasn’t washing his hands."
  • "My husband used to shower with dish soap instead of shampoo/body wash."
  • "My ex-bf didn’t use soap when he showered. He once dried himself off with a dirty t-shirt after he got out of the shower."
  • "I had a boyfriend who lived with me for 2.5 years before I realized that he was wiping boogers on all of my walls and furniture. There were literally hundreds!"
  • "Not flushing. Like, does your nose not work?"
  • "I was having dinner with a male friend last week and as we were about to leave the restaurant, he blew his nose in the CLOTH napkin. He thought nothing of it and I will never look at him the same."
  • "My ex used to pee in the sink because it was more comfortable. I realized after about a year where those yellow stains came from, and he would not stop doing it even though I asked him to."

Source: Reddit

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