User @ Rachel_Harper took to Twitter to sing "WAP" but in a totally different way, trying on 12 different impressions while singing the hit Cardi B and Megan the Stallion track.
I'm guessing that if you're a cover artist, "WAP" isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Sure, it's a huge hit right now, but it's not the most vocally graceful song unless you've got matching vocal chords with Cardi and Meg, right?
Rachel Harper took a different approach to the track. Rachel sings the song using 12 different voices, transitioning between each one smoothly. The cover starts with a pretty convincing Dolly Pardon impression, then switches to Adele, eventually moving through some iconic voices. Along with impersonating some famous female singers, Rachel throws in curve balls with Ellen Page, Julie Andrew and--Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter?
The sexy song definitely takes on a different form with this cover, and it's prompted comments from some big names as well. Rachel's Twitter showcases a handful of awesome singing impressions and parodies, so it's no surprise that the cover is both impressive and hilarious.
The Billie Eilish one though...insanely accurate. What's your favorite?