Father & Son Build 'Stick Library' For Dogs In Their Neighborhood

Nurse Randi Sabo sent me a very precious story from Canada!

David Carter’s son Jeremiah is only 10-years-old, and has been missing doing things with his friends. And I imagine the only thing harder than being a kid who can socialize, is being a parent watching your kid who can’t socialize.

So, dad turned to their dog for inspiration, a Goldendoodle named Nala!

Father and son built a large crate together and titled it, “Stick Library!” Then they walked around their local park picking out the best sticks they could find, and chained the box near a local dog park.

Jeremiah gets so much joy out of sitting nearby and just watching people take or drop off sticks into his library, and is very proud of what he’s done for his dog neighbors.

It’s a silly thing but any sized victory is a victory these days, so I loved this father/son activity. Love this story!

Photo: Getty

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