I Started a Podcast About Twilight Because Why Not

Alright guys, here's the deal: it's 2021, and for whatever reason, Twilight has made a comeback. Honestly? I'm all here for it.

Twilight first dropped when I was seven years old, and it quickly became an obsession; I swept through all the books and bought up merch and even made my friends at school read it. It truly took over my world, and as I think about it 16 years later, I wonder what it was about the vampire series that made me go rabid. My roommate and bestie, Alyssa, joins me as we take our degrees and use them to analyze the cultural impact of the Twilight saga from 2005 to 2021.

Join us every other Tuesday for #TwilightTuesdays where we'll dive into another topic and hopefully dig up some terribly embarrassing memories from middle school.

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